GETTING tested for HIV can be very stressful, as the procedure forces you to focus on past behaviour that could possibly have led to infection. This has left many men too afraid to seek medical consultation on sexual health matters.
Your partner’s results do not always determine your status, so get tested. When you go for an HIV test, a healthcare provider will take a sample of your blood or saliva. If you went for a rapid test, you usually wait for 10 to 20 minutes before you
receive your results.
If the test comes back negative and you haven’t had any exposure to the virus for three months, you can be confident you’re not infected with HIV.
If you test positive for HIV, you may need to go for a follow-up test to be sure you have the virus. A counsellor or healthcare provider should be able to assist you from there.
Knowing your status gives you the power to protect yourself and your loved ones. We have come a long way in the field of medicine and HIV is not a death sentence. You can still enjoy your life if you make great lifestyle choices. Be wise and get tested.
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