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Friday 22 July 2016

Mide Martins & Afeez Owo’s First Daughter Graduates From Secondary School

The first daughter of Yoruba actress,
Mide Martins and her husband,Afeez
Owo, graduated from secondary school
yesterday and the proud parents were
there to support their daughter on her
big day. An elated Mide took to
Instagram to gush over her baby girl on
the achievement of a milestone. She

From Kindergarten-Final Year ….
My Princess
Graduates & Moves To The Next Level… How
Can I Thank You Enough My Creator?… Thank
You Lord For The Journey So Far… Thank You
Jehovah For The Privilege To Witness This
Beautiful Day…
Thank You My God For The Life Of This Angel
Beautiful Angel So Far… You Have Been So
Marvelous To Us… Thank You For Watching
Over Her My Lord… Only You I will Praise
Forever…. Ese Baba Mi… Congratulations
Omotolani Mi… You Shall Continue To Grow In
Wisdom , Knowledge & Understanding… You
Shall Excel In Life My Darling….The Sky Is Just
Your Starting Point My Princess…. Mummy
Loves You Endlessly

Meet 17-Year-Old Obinna Igbokwe Who Got Into 7 Of 8 Ivy League American Schools

Obinna, who is currently a senior at
Brockton High School said he has drawn
from the experiences of his parents who
are Nigerian immigrants. He said he
now has a new found appreciation of
his origin and how he can learn and
grow from the hardship his parents
experienced. They instilled a strong
work ethic in him, pushing him to study
hard, especially when he was younger.
“It gave me perspective. That
perspective made me . . . capitalize on
what I’ve been given.”
His parents were the main people to
encourage him to aim high and apply
for the Ivy League, he said. They
convinced him to apply to every Ivy
League school, because he was planning
to apply to some colleges in California.
“They really supported me in terms of
when I was younger, they made sure I
had a good work ethic so later in life I
could be able to ensure that I didn’t give
Ironically, the first letter he got back
from an Ivy was a rejection from Yale
University. But he didn’t let that get him
“It didn’t make me feel discouraged,
’cause I had assumed that I would get
rejected. There’s not guaranteed
acceptance” he said.
After he got the seven other
acceptances, he did not even tell many
people, except his guidance counselor,
family, and a few close friends. Instead,
he continued to focus on playing the
euphonium in his school’s concert band
and working toward his International
Baccalaureate diploma.
His mother, Chidimma Igbokwe,
expressed pride and excitement for her
son, as did the rest of the local Nigerian
Igbo community from the Umuada Igbo
organization. She thanked Brockton
Public Schools for bringing out the best
out of her son.
“Every time we hear about kids on
drugs, kids with guns, but we never
hear something good about Brockton,”
Mrs Igbokwe said “Hopefully, I can
open someone’s eyes to see that going to
private school doesnt automatically
make you a strong or good student…if
you learn and concentrate you can
make it…Whatever you do, try and be
the best. That’s what we instill.”
Igbokwe, who has 4.6 grade point
average, said he doesn’t has no beef
with Yale University. He is more
concerned about getting into a school
that would be the best fit for him.

Man Impregnates 16- Year-Old Daughter, What He Ask Her To Do before The Police Arrive Will Shock You

Lagos state police have arrested a 36-
year-old man, Kennedy Michael for
impregnating his 16-year-old daughter,
persuaded her to have an abortion and for
also molesting his neighbor’s 18-month-old
baby girl.
According to the police, Michael was arrested
after his neighbour Uche whose child was
molested reported the case. She disclosed that:
“Michael’s girlfriend, Ijeoma Ndukwe assisted
in procuring abortion for his teenage
daughter, Maria. Uche added that, when she
discovered that something was wrong with
Maria, she told her father who instructed that
his lover should take her to the hospital. It
was there that they discovered Maria was
After much interrogation the little girl
confessed that, her father was responsible for
her pregnancy. Ijeoma got angry and
immediately confronted Michael who
confessed to her. They both agreed to abort
the pregnancy.
One of their neighbours learnt about the
abortion and alerted the appropriate
authority. Ijeoma and Michael were
arrested.” After his arrest, Michael confessed
that he has been sexually molesting his
daughter since 2014, when she was about 14-
However Michael and Maria’s mother
separated a long time ago and he brought his
daughter to Lagos, to live with him. His
neighbor revealed that: “Michael
‘fingered’ (molested) a neighbor’s 18-month-
old baby.”
The child’s father, Uche said: “My wife
wanted to bathe our child and discovered she
had a tear inside her private part. Before
then, it was only Michael that was with the
baby inside his room.
Upon confirmation from Mende Health Centre
that our daughter had been violated, I
contacted my lawyer. I also informed the
police, so that he could be prosecuted.
But the police swept the matter under the
carpet.” Uche added that, when he heard
from Maria’s friends that her father
impregnated her and procured abortion for
her with the help of his lover, he knew he
wouldn’t allow Michael to escape once again.
They interviewed Maria separately. She said it
happened and also confessed that her father
had sex with her last on Friday, July 8. It was
also learnt that Michael was arrested on
Tuesday, July 12, after the intervention of
Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Agency
from Alausa, Ikeja.

Wednesday 20 July 2016


SCHOOLS are falling behind in getting
through this year’s curriculum, Basic
Education Minister Angie Motshekga said
Only 40% of the curriculum had been
covered, meaning schools would not
complete it before the end of the year, she
told parents in Tembisa.
Motshekga, President Jacob Zuma, Gauteng
Premier David Makhura and Education MEC
Panyaza Lesufi were visiting one of the
oldest schools in the country, Marhulana
Primary School in Tembisa, Kempton Park, as
part of Mandela Month.
They inspected conditions at the school and
spoke to pupils.
Motshekga said she was worried by this
trend. The problem of not finishing the
curriculum affected primary school pupils
when they got to high school.
"That's why our children don't cope in high
school and drop out. This is a major problem
because they have to be put in microwaves
and we have to hold Saturday classes to help
the learners catch up with what they have
missed," she said.
By "microwaving", she meant that pupils had
to be quickly taught the previous grades’
work before they could get on with the
current year’s work.
Motshekga said most South Africans did not
"Our people are not reading. We have have
a report that says 85% of our people don't
read. People are watching soapies with their
children and no one reads. Parents, please
let's make sure that our children read," she

Fans blast Adekunle Gold over Amber Rose, Kim Kardashian photoshop

By Kehinde Ajose
As the anticipation increases over
Adekunle Gold’s debut album, the Orente
sensation is doing everything possible to
get his name on the lips of music lovers.
He surprised many of his fans when he
unveiled the photoshop edits of himself
and Kim Kardashian, Amber Rose and
Chrissy Teigen.
Some of his fans didn’t find it amusing as
they expressed their aversion over the
Photoshop edits.
A certain Tonya says: “This is someone’s
wife, I don’t think you should be doing
this. Even if its photoshop”
Another puts it this way: “Leave other
men’s wife alone oh, one day you will get
into trouble”
Finest testee says: “Nice job but I think
this is a little bit too extreme”
Recall that before Adekunle Gold became
a music star, he was famous for his
graphic design and incredible Photoshop

koko master "Dbanj" Is Planning To Make White Wedding Secret – Insider

July 20, 2016 – Why Dbanj Is Planning To
Make Upcoming White Wedding Secret –
An insider told Goldmyne TV yesterday that
Kokomaster Dbanj’s reported traditional
wedding didn’t hold.
The singer who reportedly introduced his
fiancee to his family members during his
father’s birthday party in Lagos recently will
be doing his white wedding soon.
The singer has vowed to keep the details of
the upcoming white wedding from the public.
Here is a statement D’banj’s camp released on
his upcoming white wedding ceremony
“D’banj has given so much information about
himself to the public and he deserves to keep
some things private and this is one of those
things. He is not worried about losing female
fans; he just wants his marriage and the
impending white wedding off public radar.”

Nigeria’s economy may contract by 1.8% in 2016 – IMF | Punch Newspapers

Oyetunji Abioye
Nigeria’s economy, the biggest in Africa, is likely to contract by 1.8 per cent this year, the International Monetary Fund has said. The Washington-based lender cut its 2016 growth forecast for Nigeria from 2.3 per cent projected in April, according to its World Economic Outlook update released on Tuesday.

The projection for next year was reduced to 1.1 per cent from 3.5 per cent. “In Nigeria, economic activity is now projected to contract in 2016, as the economy adjusts to foreign currency shortages as a result of lower oil receipts, low power generation and weak
investor confidence,” the IMF said. The IMF almost halved its 2016 growth
forecast for sub-Saharan Africa to 1.6 per cent and cut its 2017 projection to 3.3 per cent
from four per cent.

It said the substantial downgrade of the region’s forecast reflected the “challenging macroeconomic conditions in its largest economies, which are adjusting to lower
commodity revenues.” The lender said Africa’s second largest economy, South Africa, would expand by 0.1 per cent this year and one per cent next year.
The IMF stated, “The outlook for other emerging and developing economies remains
diverse and broadly unchanged relative to April. That said, gains in the emerging group
are matched by losses in low-income economies.
“Indeed, low-income countries saw a large downward revision in 2016, in large part
driven by the economic contraction in Nigeria,
and also worsened the outlook in South Africa, Angola and Gabon.”
Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product contracted by 0.36 per cent in the first quarter of the
year, and economic experts have predicted the economy will record another negative
growth in the second quarter. The Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria, Mr.
Godwin Emefiele, said a recession appeared to be imminent.
The IMF country representative in Nigeria, Gene Leon, had recently said that while the
country’s economy should look better in the second half of the year, growth would
probably not be sufficient to negate the outcome of the first and second quarters.
The currency restrictions imposed by the CBN last year in an attempt to protect the
dwindling external reserves prompted investors to flee and led to dollar shortages,
pushing down the naira.

“The forecast of 1.8 per cent probably
assumes a downturn in the second half,”

 a Johannesburg-based Africa analyst at Rand Merchant Bank, Nema Ramkhelawan-Bhana,
told Bloomberg on Tuesday.

“I think there will be sustained pressure from the oil economy, and its ripple effects to other sectors of the economy,” Ramkhelawan-Bhana added.

The nation’s inflation rate accelerated to 16.5 per cent in June, the highest in almost 11
years. The Central Bank of Nigeria, which kept its
benchmark rate at 12 per cent in May, will announce its next policy decision on July 26.
Six of nine analysts in a Bloomberg survey forecast borrowing costs will stay unchanged.
The IMF also cut its forecasts for global economic growth this year and next as the
unexpected United Kingdom vote to leave the European Union creates a wave of uncertainty amid already-fragile business and consumer

Buhari fears delays in corruption trials

Abuja- Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday said he was concerned about delays in prosecuting former public officials for corruption, warning it could harm his high-profile stance on graft. "I am worried that the expectation of the public is yet to be met by the judiciary with regard to the removal of delay and the toleration of delay tactics by lawyers," he said. "When cases are not concluded the negative impression is given that crime pays," Buhari told a summit examining the role of the judiciary in the overall drive against corruption. "This certainly needs to change if we are to make success in our collective effort in the fight against corruption." Buhari, who was elected last year on aplatform to tackle graft, has said "mind- boggling" sums of public funds were stolen over decades and has made recovering the money a central plank of his presidency. Most of those currently on trial are linked to the former administration of his predecessor, Goodluck Jonathan, and centre around an alleged $2.1bn "arms scam". Former national security advisor Sambo Dasuki is accused of overseeing a sprawling embezzlement scheme that saw money earmarked to fight Boko Haram diverted for
political purposes.

But there have been repeated delays and adjournments in that case and others, leaving Buhari without a single high-profile conviction since starting the crackdown in
May last year. Buhari told the summit that government corruption cases "are not progressing as speedily as they should be... because the courts allow the lawyers to frustrate the reforms introduced by the law". Jonathan's main opposition Peoples Democratic Party has accused Buhari of a political witch-hunt, as most of those on
trial are PDP members, supporters or linked to the former government.

Buhari and his government have been criticised for disregarding the separation of
powers of the executive and judiciary by keeping suspects in custody, despite courts
having granted them bail. Last year, he said Dasuki and the detained
leader of a Biafra separatist group should be detained because they had committed
"atrocities" against the state, despite neither being convicted.

Tuesday 19 July 2016


GETTING tested for HIV can be very stressful, as the procedure forces you to focus on past behaviour that could possibly have led to infection. This has left many men too afraid to seek medical consultation on sexual health matters.
Your partner’s results do not always determine your status, so get tested. When you go for an HIV test, a healthcare provider will take a sample of your blood or saliva. If you went for a rapid test, you usually wait for 10 to 20 minutes before you
receive your results.

If the test comes back negative and you haven’t had any exposure to the virus for three months, you can be confident you’re not infected with HIV.

If you test positive for HIV, you may need to go for a follow-up test to be sure you have the virus. A counsellor or healthcare provider should be able to assist you from there.
Knowing your status gives you the power to protect yourself and your loved ones. We have come a long way in the field of medicine and HIV is not a death sentence. You can still enjoy your life if you make great lifestyle choices. Be wise and get tested.

Police Inspector Rapes 15 - Year- Old
Girl , SS 1 Student At Gunpoint ,
Family Seeks Justice
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The victim
July 19, 2016 – Randy Akwa Ibom Police
Inspector Allegedly Raped SS1 Student
Returning From Church At Gunpoint
SS1 Student, 15-Year-Old Girl Raped By Police
Inspector In Akwa Ibom State Cries Out For
15-year-old Mary Udo’s family members in
Mkpat Enin LGA of Akwa Ibom State have
accused a police inspector attached to Mkpat
Enin division of raping their 15 year old
daughter at gunpoint.
The SS1 pupil narrated her ordeal during her
family visit to The Nation office in Uyo today.
In her words:
“I was coming from church in Ikot Abasi
Akpan last Thursday when police stopped me.
The Inspector ordered me to step aside and
took me to the dark portion of the road.
The policeman forcefully ran his fingers
through my breasts and asked me why my
breasts are this big. After he had forced me to
remove my clothes, he ordered me to lie down
and open my legs. And what I noticed was
that he brought out his penis and inserted it
into my vagina. As he was romping over me,
he forbade me crying as he threatened to
shoot me if I should open my mouth.
“But when I could not bear the pains any
longer as blood was running out of my private
part, he quickly took me into the vehicle and
drove to the station, where he detained me
from Thursday till Saturday. It was my uncle,
Dr. Ime Stephen that came from Abuja and
bailed me out with N10,000.”
She said her mother left her dad when she
was a toddler.
Her uncle said her father has been paralyzed
since the day he fell from the top of a palm
Akwa Ibom Police Commissioner Murtala
Mani said the force had commenced
investigation into the case.
     SOURCE: nigergists.com

Monday 18 July 2016

things older than mick Jagger

Things Older Than Mick Jagger’s New
Baby Mama

There’s quite an age difference between Mick
Jagger and the 29-year-old expectant mother
of his eighth child . Forty-three years, to be
exact. But as the above gallery proves, there
are plenty of things that are older than
ballerina Melanie Hamrick.
Not included are four of the 72-year-old
Rolling Stones singer’s seven children, who
are also older than the
expecting Hamrick: Karis, 45, whose mother is
singer Marsha Hunt; Jade, 44, with ex-wife
Bianca Jagger ; and Elizabeth, 32, and James,
30, with ex-partner Jerry Hall. Still, as you
click through 29 Things Older Than Mick
Jagger’s New Baby Mama, you might be
surprised to find some everyday items and
famous figures who predate Hamrick.
Longtime Rolling Stones fans will also note
that many of Jagger’s bandmates take the
same age-ain’t-nothing-but-a-number
approach to their significant others. Guitarist
Ronnie Wood recently became a father again
at age 68, after wife Sally Humphreys had
twin girls . And former co-founding bassist Bill
Wyman memorably married 18-year-old
Mandy Smith in 1989 when he was 52 , after
the couple had been dating since she was 13.
(Wyman has had three children with his
current wife, the most recent of whom arrived
when he was 62.)
This will be the fifth woman to bear a child
for Jagger, who is also happens to be a great-
grandfather. Jade’s daughter Assisi gave birth
to a daughter in May 2014. Jagger, who is
reportedly at work on a blues-focused album
with the Rolling Stones, turns 73 this month.
His youngest child, Lucas, was born in 1999.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

EKSU , Ekiti Varsity Students Die In Car Crash While Returning From Range Rover Acquisition Party

July 12, 2016 – 4 EKSU, Ekiti State University
Student Killed In Fatal Car Accident On
Iworoko Ifaki Ekiti Road While Returning
From The Party Of Colleague Who Bought
Range Rover SUV In Ado Ekiti
Four Ekiti University undergraduates died
untimely in a fatal motor accident that
happened some minutes to the gate of the
institution on Iworoko-Ifaki Ekiti road
The Lexus car carrying the students and a
nursery school bus collided around 5:30pm.
All the 4 students were pronounced dead on
the spot while the driver of the empty bus
died the moment he was pulled out of the
The crash was caused by the bus driver after
overtaking another car at a sharp bend.
Some friends of the deceased who rode in
another vehicle said the deceased students
were returning from the party organized by a
colleague who was celebrating a Range Rover
SUV he just bought in Ado Ekiti.
The corpses of the students had been
deposited at the state hospital.
May their soul rest in peace (amen).

Pakistani Christian charged with blasphemy over WhatsApp poem

Lahore - A Pakistani Christian was charged
with blasphemy on Monday after his Muslim
friend alleged he had sent a poem on
WhatsApp that insulted Islam, police said.
Yasir Bashir said Nadeem James had sent
him a poem on the messaging app that was
derogatory about the Prophet Muhammad
and other holy figures.
"Police have registered a case on blasphemy
charges against Nadeem James and are
searching for him as he has fled his home,"
a local law enforcement official told AFP on
condition of anonymity due to the sensitive
nature of the matter.
Another police official said that James'
relatives had been taken into "protective
custody" and that there was increased
security in Christian neighbourhoods in the
town of Sara-i-Almgeer, around 160km
north of Lahore, because of local tension
arising from Bashir's complaint.
Such allegations can trigger beatings and
mob violence in the conservative country,
which has strict blasphemy laws including
the death penalty for insulting the prophet.
A Christian couple were lynched then burnt
in a kiln in Punjab in 2014 after being
falsely accused of desecrating the Koran.
Rights campaigners say blasphemy laws are
often used to settle personal disputes in the
Muslim-majority country.

Monday 11 July 2016

Another oil pipeline sabotaged in Nigeria

Yenagoa - Nigerian militants have blown up
another oil pipeline in the restive south of
the country, a security official said on
"Reports from the swamp area indicate that
last night (Thursday) a gang of heavily
armed youths with two double 200
horsepower speedboats used explosives to
blast three different points on the Tebidaba-
Brass... pipeline," said Desmond Agu, of the
Nigerian Civil Defence and Security Corps
The pipeline in Bayelsa state, owned by the
Nigerian Agip Oil Company, a local
subsidiary of Italian oil major Eni, has been
repeatedly attacked.
On Monday, an oil wellhead operated by
Chevron was attacked in the Batan and
Makararaa areas of Delta state.
An investigation has been launched to
determine the extent of the damage in the
latest incident, said Agu.
No group has claimed responsibility, but the
Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) has said it has
carried out a string of bombings of Nigeria's
key oil and gas facilities since February.
The attacks have cut the nation's oil
production at a time the West African
country is struggling with low global crude
prices which have hammered government
The Avengers want oil majors to leave the
Niger delta, blaming them for contributing
to the poverty and underdevelopment of the
The group, which seeks a fairer share of
Nigeria's oil wealth for residents of the
region, also wants self-determination for the
delta states and political autonomy.
Another militant group, the Joint Niger Delta
Liberation Force (JNDLF), has also warned
of attacks in the delta.
The Nigerian government has called for
dialogue to end the violence.

Six killed in 'Boko Haram' suicide attack in Nigeria

He blamed the attack on "two Boko Haram
"The first suicide bomber targeted Damboa
Central Mosque but due to stringent security
measures, he could not gain entry.
Obviously frustrated, he exploded [his
device] and died near the central mosque,"
he added.
"However, the second bomber veered off
and gained entry into another smaller
mosque and detonated the bomb, killing
himself and six other worshippers and
injuring one other person.
"The wounded have been evacuated to a
hospital while efforts are on to clear the
rubble. Troops and other security agencies
have been mobilised to the area."
The attack is the latest against a mosque in
northeast Nigeria and the wider Lake Chad
region, as part of a campaign of violence by
the Islamist group against civilian "soft"
On June 27, two would-be suicide bombers
were killed in Maiduguri, as they tried to
target an overnight Ramadan vigil at a
mosque on the Damboa Road.
Three days later, at least 10 people were
killed in the town of Djakana, in northern
Cameroon near the Nigerian border, when a
suicide bomber blew himself up.
On July 4, the Nigerian Army said it
thwarted an attempted suicide bombing by
three women against people displaced by
Boko Haram in Monguno, northeast of
There has been a relative lull in attacks, as
troops regain control of territory once held
by Boko Haram, whose fighters have been
pushed into remote rural areas towards
Lake Chad.
Usman said suspected Boko Haram fighters
also attacked the village of Gaskeri, near the
sprawling internally displaced people's camp
at Dalori, outside Maiduguri, on Thursday
"They killed three civilian vigilantes and
looted foodstuffs. Troops have been
mobilised and they are on the suspected
terrorists' trail," he added.
The seven-year insurgency has left at least
20 000 people dead in Nigeria and displaced
more than 2.6 million people, heaping
pressure on local authorities in Nigeria,
Niger, Cameroon and Chad.
Aid agencies have warned that some 50 000
children under five are facing severe acute
malnutrition in Borno alone this year
because of food shortages caused by the
UN assistant secretary-general and regional
humanitarian coordinator Toby Lanzer said
in a statement that "time is running out for
the poorest and most rural of people" in the
"A failure to act now will result in deeper
and broader suffering, unlike anything seen
to date in Nigeria's northeast and a steeper
bill for all concerned to alleviate suffering
and stabilise the situation," he added.


Paris - A thundering out-of-the-blue shot by
substitute Eder gave Portugal a shock 1-0
win over France in the European
Championship final, delivering the country's
first international title as superstar Cristiano
Ronaldo watched injured from the
Ronaldo was stretchered off in tears in the
first half and limped on crying with joy
again after his side delivered the final
knockout blow in the month-long
tournament of upsets.
Hosts France dominated the game, as they
had nearly every match since the start. But
they could not break down a Portuguese
defence in which man-of-the-match Pepe
was majestic and goalkeeper Rui Patricio
produced a string of dramatic saves.
"It was not the final I wanted but I am very
happy. It is a trophy for all Portuguese, for
all immigrants, all the people who believed
in us so I am very happy and very proud,"
said Ronaldo.
Up against a French team with a whole
nation behind them, Portugal healed their
own football wound from a shock they
suffered twelve years ago. In the 2004 Euro
final, Portugal lost to Greece 1-0 on home
Portugal can now expect a momentous
national welcome when they return to
Lisbon and a tickertape parade through the
capital on Monday.
Portugal's coach Fernando Santos and the
other players paid tribute to Ronaldo's role
in urging the team not to give up in the
tense match at the Stade de France. Ronaldo
returned from treatment at the end of 90
minutes to give pep talks to his team-mates.
He fell the ground in agony in the eighth
minute following a clattering challenge from
Dimitri Payet. After twice going off for
treatment and trying to come back, Ronaldo
was definitively carried off.
"He told me I was going to score the
winning goal," said Eder who plays for
French side Lille and only went on in the
79th minute. "He gave me strength and
positive energy."
Victory also gave Ronaldo energy. He danced
past reporters with other Portugal players as
they left the stadium.
"Cristiano is fundamental to us," said Santos.
"It would be utopian to not use Ronaldo and
all his added value.
"Cristiano could score at any moment and
sort everything out on his own but I always
said we are a team - we win as a team."
Portugal defended doggedly and threatened
occasionally without their inspirational
skipper. With 109 minutes gone, Eder beat
off a Laurent Koscielny challenge to fire a
shot from outside the penalty area that
French captain and goalkeeper Hugo Lloris
could not even get a hand to.
The tournament featuring 24 teams for the
first time failed to produce classic football.
And Lloris was the latest to raise questions
about the manner of Portugal's wins.
"If they won the tournament it is because
they deserved it," Lloris said.
But he described France's luck as "cruel"
and added "one can always argue about the
way they play, but they are efficient and
you must congratulate them."
Santos had always said he does not care if
Portugal win "ugly" as long as they win.
The 51 games produced 108 goals, one of the
lowest averages for recent international
tournaments. The quality was not
memorable. But the upset results will go
down in history.
Iceland stunned England 2-1, Wales beat
Belgium 3-1 in a classic quarter-final and
Portugal will long celebrate their win in a
stadium that was invaded by swarms of
France started the match as strong
favourites after beating Germany 2-0 in the
semi-final. Antoine Griezmann scored twice
in that game to take his tournament total to
a Golden Boot winning six goals.
But the striker who has spent his entire
career in Spain and has never played in the
French league could not penetrate the
Portugal defence. His early header drew a
finger-tip save from Rui Patricio. Griezmann
said defeat had been a double blow as he
also missed a penalty in Atletico Madrid's
defeat to arch-rivals Real Madrid in the
Champions League final seven weeks ago.
Moussa Sissoko also drove a thundering shot
over the bar while French substitute Andre-
Pierre Gignac sent an extra time shot
against the post.
"The disappointment is there and it's
immense," French coach Didier Deschamps
said. "We've let a big chance to be
champions pass us by."
Deschamps contract runs until 2018 and the
World Cup in Russia. He said he would take
time to "digest" the disappointment before
thinking about his own future.
France spent €450m preparing 10 stadiums
for Euro 2016 which could be the last hosted
in one country. Euro 2020, the 16th
tournament, will be held in 13 cities in 13
different countries from Azerbaijan to
Despite some doubts about the 24-country
format, UEFA's executive committee "praised
the competitiveness of the competition" in a
statement after a meeting on Saturday.

Eiye Cult Leader & Members Arrested In Ajah & Surulere Lagos Over Robbery @ National Stadium

July 10, 2016 – Pictures: Eiye Confraternity
Leader Arrested At Jakande Estate Ajah Lagos,
Other Cult Members Caught In Surulere Over
Robbery At National Stadium
The leader of bloody cult group, Eiye
Confraternity was arrested at his mansion
in Jakande Estate, Ajah area of Lagos today.
The suspect, 35-year-old Andrew Awalebi who
joined cultism in 1996 said no amount of
gunshots can penetrate his body.
Several others were picked up at a beer
parlour in Surulere area of Lagos around 8am
today while two others (30-year-old Adegoke
Adeleke and 31-year-old Kehinde Adebogun)
were picked up yesterday morning at an hotel
in Ikorodu.
The cultists were arrested in connection to
robbery attacks carried out at the National
Stadium and at Jakande Estate few days ago.
Awalebi in the middle
The identities of the other Eiye cult members
arrested have been revealed and they are;
24-year-old Michael Thompson, 26-year-old
Tosin Isaac, 36-year-old Daniel Olayiwola and
17-year-old Koffi Kwame, a Ghanaian citizen.
The cultists have been transferred to SCID
Panti Yaba for criminal prosecution.

Sunday 10 July 2016

50 cent finally has a plan to resolve his money issues

50 Cent finally has a plan to resolve
his money issues
Hartford - A federal bankruptcy court judge
in Connecticut on Wednesday approved a
plan for 50 Cent to reorganise his finances
and pay back creditors.
The rapper who burst onto the music scene
in 2003 with his debut album, Get Rich or
Die Tryin, filed for bankruptcy a year ago,
citing debts of $36m and assets of less than
The rapper will make a $7.4m payment to
begin the bankruptcy plan approved on
Wednesday, The Hartford Courant reports.
The rapper, whose real name is Curtis James
Jackson III, owns a mansion in Farmington.
Under the plan approved by the judge,
creditors holding unsecured claims will
receive 74 to 92 percent of the money they
are owed, depending on how quickly 50
Cent makes the payments.
US Bankruptcy Judge Ann Nevins noted that
50 Cent "has a significant ability to generate
His bankruptcy filing in July 2015 came days
after losing an invasion-of-privacy lawsuit
filed by a woman who said he acquired a
video she made with her boyfriend, added
himself as a crude commentator and posted
it online without her permission. A jury
awarded $7m to the woman, Lastonia
As part of the plan, Leviston agreed to take
50 Cent took the stand on Wednesday and
the judge asked if he understood provisions
of the plan, including a requirement to pay
the $6m to Leviston, even if he seeks
bankruptcy protection again.
"That's not gonna happen," 50 Cent said.
Jackson is an admitted former crack dealer
who has built an empire beyond
entertainment. He invested early in Vitamin
Water and has expanded his business
interests into clothing and audio equipment.
Now 41, he has gone on to become an actor
whose credits include the Starz network
action series Power. He also was named by
Forbes last year as one of hip-hop's five
wealthiest artists for 2015.
He bought his 17-acre home in Connecticut
from boxer Mike Tyson in 2003 for $4.1m.
The house, which is now up for sale,
includes 19 bedrooms, more than two dozen
bathrooms, a gym, billiard rooms,
racquetball courts and a disco.

Iraq war was illegal, says Blair's former deputy

London - Tony Blair's deputy as prime
minister when Britain joined the invasion of
Iraq has said he believes the war was illegal,
days after a long-awaited report excoriated
Britain's role in the conflict.
John Prescott, number two in the Labour
government when Britain took part in the
US-led invasion in 2003, made the remarks
in a piece to be published in the Sunday
Mirror newspaper.
On Wednesday, the Chilcot report returned
a damning verdict on Britain's role in the
US-led war, finding it joined the conflict
before all peaceful options had been
exhausted and that judgements about Iraq's
capacities were "presented with a certainty
that was not justified".
'Sorrow, regret and apology'
It also disclosed Blair had written to then US
president George W. Bush that "I will be
with you, whatever" eight months before the
Prescott, now a member of the House of
Lords, wrote: "I will live with the decision of
going to war and its catastrophic
consequences for the rest of my life.
"In 2004, the UN secretary-general Kofi
Annan said that as regime change was the
prime aim of the Iraq war, it was illegal.
"With great sadness and anger, I now
believe him to be right."
Blair this week voiced "sorrow, regret and
apology" over mistakes made in the conflict.
But he insisted the war was right and the
world was safer without toppled Iraqi
dictator Saddam Hussein.
Current Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has
apologised on behalf of the party for what
he called "the disastrous decision" to go to
Some 150 000 Iraqi people were killed in the
six years after British and American troops
invaded, plunging the country into chaos
and creating fertile ground for jihadist
groups like the Islamic State.
A total of 179 British troops also died.

Bin Laden's son threatens revenge against US

Beirut - Al-Qaeda's media arm has released
an audio in which the purported son of the
late al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden
threatens revenge against the US for
assassinating his father.
In the video released by As-Sahab on
Saturday, Hamza bin Laden tells Americans
that they are accountable for the decisions
of their leaders. He says al-Qaeda will
continue waging jihad, or holy war, against
the US in response to its "oppression" of
"If you think that your sinful crime that you
committed in Abbottabad has passed without
punishment, then you thought wrong," he
Bin Laden was killed in a May 2011 US raid
at his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
His son's whereabouts is not known.
Analysts speculate that he may be preparing
to take over leadership of al-Qaeda.

Niger Delta Militants Arrested In Failed Attack On Igando Lagos Residents

Arrested In Failed Attack On Igando Lagos
Residents, 3 AK47 Rifles & Ammunitions
Recovered From Suspects
Lagos Police Command said it had arrested
two suspected militants, who attempted to
attack Igando community, a suburb in the
Spokesperson of the command, Mr. Dolapo
Badmos, a Superintendent of Police, disclosed
this to NAN in Lagos yesterday.
Badmos said that the suspects were nabbed on
Thursday and three AK47 Rifle and
ammunitions were recovered from them.
She said that some residents of Igando alerted
the police of the attempted attack by
suspected militants, who came in a boat
through the waterways.
“Immediately, the Commissioner of Police,
Fatai Owoseni, deployed more men to the
area. Two suspects were arrested with some
“The security of the area has been beefed up;
the command has begun investigation into the
attempted attack. The police will find out who
they are, where they come from and their
“We advise members of the public in the area
and other parts of the state not to panic as
the police are on top of the situation,’’ she

2 face Idibia Urges Nigerian Youths To See Him As A Role Model

July 10, 2016 – 2Baba Urges Nigerian Youths
To See Him As A Role Model
In a recent interview with CNBC Africa, the
Afro pop legend claimed that many Nigerians
who see him as role model have achieved
success by following his way of life.
This is what the father of six said in the

“I have heard people say that I have

mentored them, I would like to say that I am

just doing my own thing and I am trying to

grow and if you see the positive ways that I

am following, follow it. “I’m human, many

things take place in people’s lives so I want

them to follow my example.”


7 Things Christians Need to Remember About Politics How to be in the world, not of the world, in a culture of political vitriol.

7 Things Christians Need to Remember About Politics How to be in the world, not of the world, in a culture of political vitriol.

Political discourse is the Las Vegas of Christianity—the environment in which our sin is excused. Hate is winked at, fear is perpetuated and strife is applauded. Go wild, Christ-follower. Your words have no consequences here. Jesus doesn’t live in Vegas. Not only are believers excused for their political indiscretions, but they are often applauded for committing them. Slander is explained away as righteous anger; winning arguments are esteemed higher than truthful ones (whether or not the “facts” align); and those who stir up dissension are given the pulpit.

So I balk when pastors tell me the Church should engage in the political process.
Why would we do that? The political process is dirty and broken and far from Jesus. Paranoia and vitriol are hardly attractive accessories for the
bride of Christ. Rather than engage in the political process, Christians have a duty to elevate it. Like any other sin, we arecalled to stand above the partisan dissension and demonstrate a better way. Should we have an opinion? Yes. Should we care about our country? Yes. Should we vote? Yes. But it’s time we
talk politics in a way that models the teachings of Jesus rather than mocks

Here are seven things to remember about politics:
1. Both political parties go to church There’s a Christian Left and, perhaps even less well-known, there’s a secular Right. Larry T. Decker is a lobbyist and head of the Secular Coalition for America. He's an "unaffiliated Christian," but his entire job is devoted to keeping religion out of the U.S. government. Party lines are drawn in chalk, and they're not hard to cross. The Church must be engaged in politics, but it must not be defined by the arbitrary
lines in politics.

2. Political talk radio and cable “news” only want ratings When media personalities tell you they are on a moral crusade, they are lying
to you. These personalities get rich by instilling fear and paranoia in their listeners. If we give our favorite political ideologues more time than we give Jesus, we are following the wrong master. There are unbiased, logical and accurate news sources out there. But it’sup to you to be a good steward of information—to fact-check for yourself, take ideology with a grain of salt and make decisions based on facts rather than gossip.

3. Those who argue over politics don’t love their country more than others
They just love to argue more than others. Strife and quarreling are
symptoms of weak faith (Proverbs 10:12; 2 Timothy 2:23-25; James 4:1) and are among the things the Lord “detests.” We need to rise above the
vitriol and learn to love our neighbors the way God commanded us. We need
to love our atheist neighbor who wants to keep creationism out of schools; our
Democrat neighbor who wants to keep gay marriage and abortion legal; our
Republican neighbor who celebrates death penalty statistics and gun ownership; and yes, even the presidential candidate from the other side.

4. Thinking your party’s platform is unflawed is a
mistake The social policies of your party were
constructed by imperfect politicians fueled by ambition. It’s nearsighted to
canonize them—and it will make you obsolete in a few years. Every four
years, the parties adopt a current, updated platform at their respective
conventions. And while they stay on general tracks, every four years the
platform evolves to meet the needs of a growing, modernized and changing party. The Republican party of today
doesn’t look like it did 10 years ago. We need to know when to change our views
to meet a changing culture—and when to stand by them.
5. Scripture tells us to pray for our governing leaders (2
Timothy 2:1-4) and to respect those in authority (Romans 13:1-7)
Translation: if you’re mocking your governing leaders on Facebook, the
Holy Spirit is grieved. We should spend more time honoring our leaders and
less time vilifying them. This doesn’t mean praying the President will be
impeached; it doesn’t mean praying your candidate will win. God commands
us to pray for our leaders—for their wisdom, for their hearts and for them to
be led by Him.

Okada rider How I raped pregnant corps member

By Dayo Johnson, Akure
The biblical injunction in Jeremiah 17 vs 9
that says “ The heart is deceitful above all
things, and desperately wicked who can know
it” is apt in the case of a 30-year-old
commercial motorcycle operator, popularly
known as Okada rider, Tumi Ayileka, who
was alleged to have, despite the plea by a
National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) member
(names withheld), that she was three months
pregnant, still forcefully had carnal knowledge
of her.
The victim had been posted to Ondo State and
deployed to Imoru in Ose LGA for her primary
assignment. The alleged rape happened on the
route she had been taking on motor bike
since she was deployed to Imoru.
She was said to have left the Corpers Lodge,
located at Ifon, the headquarters of Ose LGA
at about 630pm for Imoru where she was
doing her NYSC. Sunday Vanguard was
informed by a police source that the Okada,
she boarded, instead of heading for Imoru, a
short distance to Ifon, the rider stopped
abruptly and diverted into the bush. He was
said to have excused himself to obey the call
of nature. But the corps member was said to
have expressed concern why he had to stop to
ease himself in a lonely and busy area.
Suspecting a foul play, she reportedly jumped
down from the bike and ran towards the
main road but the Okada rider was said to
have over-powered her and allegedly dragged
her back inside the bush.
The suspect, who claimed he also doubled as a
farmer, reportedly forcefully had unlawful
carnal knowledge of her. The victim was said
to have pleaded with the suspect that she was
pregnant and she should be spared of the
horror of rape but all her pleas were
reportedly rebuffed by the suspect.
The source narrated that after having his way,
the Okada man left the victim in the bush,
jumped on his bike and left. But on a second
thought he reportedly went back, picked the
victim and took her back to her residence at
the Corpers Lodge and sped off’.
The victim, whose clothes were said to have
been torn by the suspect, managed to find her
way to the police station and lodged a
complaint around 11pm. Detectives, according
to the source, were sent out to fish out the
Sunday Vanguard learnt that the detectives
later trailed the suspect to his house. He was
picked up at No 4, Olisa Street, Imoru and
confessed to the crime. The suspect in an
interview said: “I do not know what came
over me when I raped her.
“ When she was crying that she was pregnant,
something told me to stop and leave her alone
but another voice said I should finish what I
started; that is why I raped her”. Asked if he
had done such illicit act before, the suspect
said, “No.
This is the first time. “When she stopped me,
I did not have the intention but when I
started the engine of the motorcycle and I
looked at her eyes, I was attracted to her and
the thought came to my mind. “That was how
I started thinking of how to rape her because
she is a beautiful lady.
“I knew that the only way I could rape her
was to drive to the bush and pretend I wanted
to ease myself.
“It is the devil that pushed me. I want to be
forgiven. I won’t do such a thing again. “ I
have asked God to forgive me too. If I am
released, I will never again in my life rape
any girl. The suspect”, who said he is married,
pointed out: “I became conscious of what I did
after committing the atrocity. It is not my
fault. I do not know what came over me. “It
was so strong that I could not resist the urge
to rape her.
Öndo State Police Command also paraded a
35-year-old suspected secret cult member,
Godwin James, of No 13, Isolo Street, Akure
for attempting to rape one Damilola Akintake.
One battle axe used to threaten the girl was
allegedly recovered from the suspect. In a
similar development, a 30-year-old suspected
member of a secret cult, Soladoye Ige, and his
friend, identified as Lekan, allegedly gang
raped one Tomiwa in Owo area of the state
on Valentine’s Day.
After they had raped the victim, after luring
her to Ige’s house, they inscribed, with blade
on her laps”, Blue Angel”. Ige allegedly belong
to the Eiye Secret Cult, was reportedly
initiated in November last year by one Tope
and three others.
The suspect was arrested at his No 32, Enete
Street, Owo. Ige, according to the police, was a
student of Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo while
the victim is an Ordinary National Diploma
OND student of the institution. He was said to
have been eyeing the victim while in the
institution but was not bold enough to voice
out. An opportunity reportedly came when he
saw the victim around his residence and he
summoned the courage to voice out his
likeness for her.
The victim was subsequently lured into the
suspect’s room. On getting to the room, he
reportedly met his friend identified as Lekan.
The two friends allegedly raped the victim in
turns and thereafter drove her out of the
room. The state Police Commissioner, Isaac
Eke, said the suspected rapists will be charged
to court after preliminary investigations.

Saturday 9 July 2016

Celine Dion proved her fashion style

Dion Proves Her
Heart Will Go on With an
$885 Titanic Hoodie
Fri., Jul. 8, 2016 4:17 PM PDT
We're not sure what we love the most about
this photograph, because it's just too good.
Singer Céline Dion was spotted rounding out
her high-fashion week in Paris with a style
statement that is incredibly hard to ignore
(especially if you're all about nostalgia, all the
time). Dion stepped out wearing an oversize
Titanic sweater. Yes, really!
The epic casual piece included a graphic of
baby-faced Leonardo DiCaprio , a never-letting-
go Kate Winslet and the sinking ship. The
words "Coming Soon" are sprawled down each
sleeve, proving that this is also quite the
collectible. But before you start searching the
interwebs to cop yourself a sweater, you may
want to double check that piggy bank of
This incredible sweater is actually a sold-out,
$885 piece from Vetements. Did you get that?
Nearly a grand for a sweater . That's more
than a first-class ticket on the Titanic. And
let's be real, the value only goes up if you're
Dion wearing it, because nobody will forget
her angelic voice singing "My Heart Will Go
On" for the film.
Ugh, we get emotional just thinking about it.
A poor boy was in love with a rich man's
daughter….One day the boy proposed to her
the girl said…”Hey! Listen, your monthly
salary is my
daily hand expenses..How can I be involved
you..? How could you have thought of that? I
can never
love you, so forget about me and get engaged
someone else at your level” But somehow the
could not forget her so easily…..Some time 10
later they stumbled into each other in a
mall. The lady again said….,”Hey.. ! You! How
are you?
Now I’m married and do you know how much
husband’s salary is..? $15,700 per month! Can
beat that?
And he is also very smart” The guy’s eyes got
with tears on hearing those words from the
same lady…
A few seconds later, her husband came
around but
before the lady could say a word her husband
seeing the guy, said……“Sir you’re here and
met my wife..”
Then he said to his wife,”This is my boss, I’m
also one of those working on his $100 million
And do you know a fact my dear? My boss
loved a
lady but he couldn’t win her heart….
That’s why he has remained unmarried since.
How lucky would that lady have been, if she
married this my boss now? These days, who
would love someone that much?"
He said all these to his wife.The lady looked
in total
shock but couldn’t utter a word….
————— ————— ————— ——-
Life is so short and it’s just like a mirror.
You can only see as much as it reflects. So
don’t be too arrogant or proud by looking
down on others
because of their current situations.
Things get changed with time just like the
weather..! Don’t under estimate anyone
everyone has a great future!
Where you have been rejected before, you
will be celebrated soon in Jesus name.
Shout a big AMEN if U're A believer
God bless you & Feel free to Like and SHARE
Others to read!!
A poor boy was in love with a rich man's
daughter….One day the boy proposed to her
the girl said…”Hey! Listen, your monthly
salary is my
daily hand expenses..How can I be involved
you..? How could you have thought of that? I
can never
love you, so forget about me and get engaged
someone else at your level” But somehow the
could not forget her so easily…..Some time 10
later they stumbled into each other in a
mall. The lady again said….,”Hey.. ! You! How
are you?
Now I’m married and do you know how much
husband’s salary is..? $15,700 per month! Can
beat that?
And he is also very smart” The guy’s eyes got
with tears on hearing those words from the
same lady…
A few seconds later, her husband came
around but
before the lady could say a word her husband
seeing the guy, said……“Sir you’re here and
met my wife..”
Then he said to his wife,”This is my boss, I’m
also one of those working on his $100 million
And do you know a fact my dear? My boss
loved a
lady but he couldn’t win her heart….
That’s why he has remained unmarried since.
How lucky would that lady have been, if she
married this my boss now? These days, who
would love someone that much?"
He said all these to his wife.The lady looked
in total
shock but couldn’t utter a word….
————— ————— ————— ——-
Life is so short and it’s just like a mirror.
You can only see as much as it reflects. So
don’t be too arrogant or proud by looking
down on others
because of their current situations.
Things get changed with time just like the
weather..! Don’t under estimate anyone
everyone has a great future!
Where you have been rejected before, you
will be celebrated soon in Jesus name.
Shout a big AMEN if U're A believer
God bless you & Feel free to Like and SHARE
Others to read!!


President Obama and Polish President
Andrzej Duda at a press conference after a
meeting just before the NATO Summit at the
National Stadium in Warsaw, Friday.
WARSAW — The United States will send
about 1,000 troops to Poland as part of what
the alliance says is the biggest deployment of
NATO personnel since the end of the Cold
President Obama announced the troop
movement at the NATO Summit in Warsaw
Friday, saying the United States would rotate
battalions into Poland "to serve shoulder to
shoulder with Polish soldiers." An armored
brigade will also move its headquarters to
Poland, which Obama called one of the
United States' "most committed and
important allies." Both moves are expected
sometime next year.
The move is an effort to bolster NATO's
strength in eastern Europe in order to deter
further Russian aggression following its
annexation of Crimea in 2014. It's just one of
many messages NATO sent to Moscow on the
first day of the summit, some more subtle
than others.
After meetings with allies at the Polish
National Soccer Stadium, the 28 NATO
leaders adjourned for a working dinner. The
venue: The Column Hall, The same room in
the Presidential Palace where Soviet bloc
nations signed the Warsaw Pact as a
counterweight to NATO in 1955.
Poland is now on the other side of the East-
West divide and hosting its first NATO
Summit. "We are also grateful for the
understanding that security is there where
the strongest armed forces in the world are
present," said Polish President Andrzej
Duda. "And the strongest armed forces of the
world is the armed forces of the United
States, as we all know."
By using rotating battalions, the United
States is technically living up to a 1997 treaty
with Russia that prohibits "additional
permanent stationing of substantial combat
forces" in eastern Europe, while reassuring
Poland and other NATO allies that it has a
"solemn, binding" duty to help defend them.
Part of that strategy includes pre-positioning
heavy equipment and munitions to the
regions to be used by rapid-response troops
based elsewhere.
The new troop rotation announcement
follows a series of steps by NATO to move
military personnel and equipment into
central and eastern Europe. The United
States is building advanced radar systems in
Germany and Turkey, moving surveillance
drones to Italy and stationing troop
transports in Hungary.
And in May, the United States and Poland
broke ground on a new Aegis Ashore Missile
Defense System — a land-based version of
the anti-ballistic missile system found on
U.S. destroyers. That system will become
operational by 2018, joining a similar system
in Romania and four Aegis destroyers based
in Rota, Spain — where Obama is scheduled
to visit troops on Sunday.


 England — The Wimbledon
men's singles final on Sunday afternoon will
match a relative newcomer, Milos Raonic,
against a veteran, Andy Murray. That
disparity can be equalized, however, by the
wealth of even greater experience in
Raonic's respective corner.
Raonic, a 25-year-old Canadian who will be
playing his first major final, has not one but
two Grand Slam champions in his corner:
1998 French Open champion Carlos Moya,
and seven-time major winner John McEnroe,
the latter of whom joined the Raonic team
weeks ago as a so-called "grass court
Susan Mullane-USA TODAY Sports
Milos Raonic reacts during his match against
Roger Federer during Wimbledon on July 8.
But more than any grass court tactics, Raonic
says McEnroe's most valuable contributions
to his game thus far has been to unlock his
emotions on court. While McEnroe was
infamous for his petulant temper tantrums
on court, he has encouraged the even-keeled,
"too calm" Raonic to uncork positive
Raonic credited some of that expressiveness
with his resilient semifinal win over Roger
Federer, whom he had lost a lopsided
semifinal against two years earlier.
U.S. military veteran believed
to be lone gunman in Dallas
police ambush
By Ernest Scheyder and Marice Richter
DALLAS (Reuters) - A black U.S. military
veteran of the Afghan war who said he
wanted to "kill white people" acted alone in a
sniper attack that killed five police officers
during a Dallas protest decrying police
shootings of black men, officials said on
Seven other police officers and two civilians
were wounded in the ambush in downtown
Dallas on Thursday night, officials said. Police
killed the gunman, identified by authorities as
25-year-old Micah Johnson, with a bomb-
carrying robot after cornering him in a
parking garage, ending an hours-long
A search of Johnson's home in the nearby
suburb of Mesquite found "bomb-making
materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition
and a personal journal of combat tactics,"
Dallas police said in a report on Friday. Police
said Johnson had no previous criminal
Dallas Mayor Michael Rawlings said Johnson
had written "manifestos" on military-style
tactics, and social media postings left by
Johnson showed he subscribed to a militant
black nationalist ideology.
Thursday's attack came at the end of an
otherwise peaceful march to protest police
killings of two black men this week in
Minnesota and Louisiana, the latest police
killings of black men over the last two years
that have triggered outrage, soul-searching
and debates over the role of race.
In Dallas, hundreds of screaming
demonstrators ran for safety as police officers
patrolling the rally took cover, believing
initially that they had come under attack by
several shooters.
By late afternoon on Friday, however,
investigators had concluded that Johnson,
armed with a rifle, was the lone gunman.
“At this time, there appears to have been one
gunman, with no known links to or
inspiration from any international terrorist
organization,” U.S. Homeland Security
Secretary Jeh Johnson told reporters in New
In Dallas, Rawlings said the shooting "came
from one building at different levels from this
One man was arrested on "unrelated weapons
charges" at the scene, and several people
were detained for questioning, but police said
they were released by day's end on Friday.
Still, Governor Greg Abbott and other officials
said they were looking for evidence of any
possible co-conspirators.
The ambush marked the highest death toll for
U.S. police in the line duty from a single
event since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
The attack was certain to complicate rising
tensions between minority communities and
law enforcement following a string of high-
profile killings of unarmed black men at the
hands of police across the country over the
past two years, giving rise to the Black Lives
Matter protest movement.
The violence came just over a week before the
start of the Republican National Convention
in Cleveland, where Donald Trump is
expected to become the party's official
nominee, and police in Cleveland on Friday
tightened their security plan for the
Other police departments across the country,
including New York, Chicago and St. Louis,
responded to the attack by requiring officers
to patrol in pairs rather than alone.
Thursday's attack was especially devastating
for the people of Dallas, a city that struggled
for decades to heal from the scars left by the
1963 assassination of President John F.
Kennedy, blocks away in Dealey Plaza.
Dallas Police Chief David Brown called the
ambush "a well-planned, well-thought-out,
evil tragedy." He added, "We are determined
to not let this person steal this democracy
from us."
During lengthy negotiations with police, the
gunman told police he was angry about the
Louisiana and Minnesota killings, Brown told
"The suspect said he was upset at white
people. The suspect stated that he wanted to
kill white people, especially white officers,"
said Brown, who is African-American.
A profile of Johnson's political inclinations
also began to emerge. He posted a rant
against white people on a black nationalist
Facebook group called Black Panther Party
Mississippi last Saturday, denouncing the
lynching and brutalizing of black people.
"Why do so many whites (not all) enjoy
killing and participating in the death of
innocent beings," Johnson wrote in a post
above a graphic video of a whale-killing,
comparing it to the treatment of black people
in the United States.
In what appeared to be his own Facebook
page, Johnson was portrayed with the red,
black and green flag sometimes known as the
Black Liberation flag. His profile photo
showed him with his clenched fist in the air
in the familiar Black Power salute.
The U.S. Army said Johnson, 25, had served as
a private first class in the Army Reserve and
was deployed to Afghanistan from November
2013 to July 2014. It said Johnson served from
March 2009 to April 2015 and was a carpentry
and masonry specialist with the 420th
Engineering Brigade based in Texas.
Details on how the shootings unfolded
remained unclear. Video of the attack taken
by a witness shows a man carrying an
assault-style weapon, first crouching then
charging at and shooting another person who
appeared to be wearing a uniform. That
person then collapsed to the ground. Reuters
could not immediately confirm the
authenticity of the video.
The Rev. Jeff Hood, an organizer of Thursday
night's protest, said he had been chatting with
some of the police officers on the street when
gunfire erupted.
"I saw what I believe were two police officers
that went down. I didn't know what to do,"
Hood told reporters on Friday.
President Barack Obama, in Poland for a
NATO summit, called the Dallas shootings "a
vicious, calculated and despicable attack on
law enforcement." Obama, who has been
stymied by the Republican-led Congress in his
bid for new gun control laws, planned to visit
Dallas early next week, at the mayor's
invitation, the White House said.
As Dallas reeled from a night of carnage,
police came under fire in three other states.
A man in Tennessee opened fire on a
highway, killing a woman and grazing a
police officer with a bullet on Thursday,
because he was troubled by incidents
involving black people and law enforcement,
authorities said on Friday. Police officers also
were wounded in shootings in Missouri and
Georgia on Friday, though the motives in both
of those incidents was unknown.
Largely peaceful protests unfolded around the
United States after the police shooting of
Philando Castile, a 32-year-old black man, on
Wednesday, during a traffic stop near St.
Paul, Minnesota. A day earlier, police in
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, shot dead Alton
Sterling, 37, while responding to a call
alleging he had threatened someone with a
Both Hillary Clinton, the presumptive
Democratic presidential nominee, and Trump
canceled campaign events for Friday following
the attack.
(Reporting by Brendan O'Brien in Milwaukee,
Eric M. Johnson in Seattle, Jon Herskovitz in
Austin, Texas, Letitia Stein in Tampa, Florida,
Laila Kearney and Gina Cherelus in New
York, Fiona Ortiz in Chicago and Mark
Hosenball in London; Writing by Jon
Herskovitz and Steve Gorman; Editing by Will
Dunham and Leslie Adler)

Friday 8 July 2016

healing is taking place now – Bishop Oyedepo

- Dr. David Oyedepo, the Presiding
Bishop of the Living Faith Church (LFC)
worldwide has described Nigeria as a
country that is moving forward, in spite
of its present economic challenges.
In a telecast via satellite monitored in Jos,
Plateau, Oyedepo said this when he
addressed both local and international
assembly of the church workers in a
broadcast on Thursday morning.
He told the workers that both the nation
and the church were in a period of
revival and that sacrifices would have to
be made.
The bishop said that the era of private
universities-- championed by the church--
came to set standards and right moral
codes in our educational system to make
it thrive better, devoid of cultism and
He noted that academic calendars of
private universities had been maintained,
even as lecturers and their students in
conventional universities go on strike.
``Private universities are here to restore
the glory of the nation; it is clear that
something is brewing in Nigeria.
``Nigeria’s healing is taking place now,
and the health of the nation is being
restored now.
``We are pushing darkness back," he
He enjoined Christians involved in
fostering the present revival of the nation
by God through their prayers and work
not to relent as they were entitled to
rewards from the Lord.

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